How to do Side Angle Right

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Difficulty: Easy

Impact Level: Normal

Target Body Parts: abs, upper back, lower back, shoulders, calves, quadriceps


Start in a standing position Take your elbows up to shoulder height with fingers touching in the center. Jump your feet out wide ensuring the whole of your foot is firm to the ground and at the same time extend your arms until your hands are at shoulder height and your fingers reach in opposite directions with the palms down. Turn your right foot to point directly to the right hand side. Pull your belly button to your spine to active your core and gaze over your right hand. Bend your right knee until it comes over your right ankle. Activate your core and then lean from the hips to take your right hand to the floor outside the right foot. Take the left arm overhead creating a straight line from left ankle to left fingertips. Stay there for 3-5 breaths. To come out, ensure core is active and lift spine back to upright. Straighten your right leg, turn the right foot back in line with the left and jump back to center, bringing the fingertips back to center and then release your arms by your side.

A common mistake is to allow the right knee to turn inwards which puts pressure on the knee ligaments and can cause injury. To avoid this, ensure the right foot is aligned to the side of the mat and direct the right knee towards the little toe of the right foot.

How to make Side Angle Right easier

Taking the right elbow to the knee instead of taking the right hand to the floor makes this pose easier.

How to make Side Angle Right more challenging

Instead of taking the right hand to the floor, extend the right arm to be parallel with the left so both arms are outstretched on the diagonal.

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