Youth Initiative

Our Vision
A world without childhood obesity

Our Mission
Make a positive and long-lasting impact on children's exercise and nutrition habits

Our Goal
Reduce the number of obese children by 50% in the U.S. by 2026
Sworkit Youth Initiative: How It Works
Our SworKrew is committed to building fitness technology and programs specifically designed for children.
Our partnerships with schools and youth organizations help us expand these programs to the students and educators around the globe.
Our SworkTeam (you) make it all possible. Your Sworkit subscriptions help to provide the resources we need to make it all happen.
Sworkit Youth Initiative: Who We Help
Schools Using Sworkit
Students with Sworkit Access
Under this initiative, any teacher with a K-12 classroom, anywhere in the world, can get free access to Sworkit’s paid subscription service (available on Android, iOS, and the web). Teachers will have unlimited access to our extensive library of workouts.
Let’s Get Sworkin!
Have a classroom? Tell us about yourself.
If you’re a teacher or district administrator, fill out the form below to request access to Sworkit. Due to an increased number of requests, please allow 2-5 business days to receive your account creation information.
Upon approval of your request, you must use the link provided to you via email to get free access.
Only one request per district/school is necessary. Once approved, we’ll send you onboarding resources to help you get started. Be sure to check out the FAQ section for additional information on how to share Sworkit workouts with your students.
If you’re a journalist seeking to cover the Sworkit Youth Initiative story, get in touch at We’re eager to share our story.

Greg Coleman
“Childhood obesity is a global epidemic and educators are struggling with shrinking physical education budgets and less time to allow their students to be physically active. By providing them with Sworkit and Sworkit Kids – free resources educators can use in their classrooms and children can use at home – we’re helping to solve a huge issue. We’ve made it our personal mission to cut childhood obesity in half by 2026. Your subscription is helping us achieve this goal.”

Rynnie Cotter
“The Sworkit Youth Initiative is personal for me. As a mother of a little girl and the daughter of a teacher, I’m proud Sworkit provides teachers and students across the globe free access to physical fitness resources. Our goal is to create healthy habits and healthy lifestyles. I love hearing the positive stories of teachers who are using Sworkit in their classrooms. Also, nothing beats the smiles on students’ faces as they Sworkout with classmates.”