How to do Sit-up

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Difficulty: Medium

Impact Level: Normal

Target Body Parts: abs


Lay down on a mat or a towel on a flat surface. Draw your legs in by bending your knees to 90 degrees. Place your hands by your ears and take your elbows out wide. From this start position, draw your belly button down towards the floor to engage your core, then contract your stomach muscles (abs) to raise up to a sitting position.

Keep your feet on the floor through out the movement and avoid the temptation to put your feet under something or asking a buddy to anchor your feet. Another common mistake is to use your arms to pull the back of your head up, make sure you don’t do this otherwise you may strain your neck.

How to make Sit-up easier

Try our Abdominal Crunch, Twisting Crunches and Elevated Crunches first as a way to build up to this Sit-up exercise.

How to make Sit-up more challenging

Once you have mastered the Sit-up have a go at our V Balance and V Sit-up exercises.

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