
Navigating Healthy Eating With a Busy Schedule

Victoria Davis Boysel

Navigating healthy eating with a busy schedule can be challenging. You’ve got a lot of demands on your time and energy, and it often seems like making time for healthy meals is impossible. With some strategic planning and smart choices, however, it’s entirely feasible! Try some of these strategies to help you maintain your diet goals even when you have limited time.

1. Prioritize Breakfast

A balanced breakfast can help you start your day energized and prevent you from overeating later in the day. Skipping breakfast often means you’re ravenous and low-energy by lunchtime, increasing the odds that you’ll reach for less-than-healthy choices. Make breakfast easy by stocking a variety of choices you enjoy. Keep in mind that breakfast can vary widely across cultures, so choose a nutritious option that fits your local choices.

2. Plan and Prep Meals

Managing some of your meal prep ahead of time can make it much easier to manage cooking when meal time comes around. Try marinating your proteins or even cooking grains ahead of time. You’ll also find that cooking in bulk helps save time during the week when you’re often at your busiest. 

Strive to set aside dedicated time each week for meal planning. Aim to incorporate seasonal produce alongside traditional favorite recipes.

3. Snack Healthy

Your snack choices can make or break your diet. Choose snacks that are convenient and nutritious to keep your energy levels stable. Having healthy options readily available for those quick breaks makes it much easier to stay on track! Keep snacks ready-prepped, so you can grab them quickly and easily, and don’t be afraid of prepackaged options. Some ideas include local fruit, nuts, and seeds that are in season.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drinking water helps promote feelings of fullness, which reduces the likelihood of overeating. Furthermore, hydration is essential to many essential body processes, including digestion. Carry a reusable water bottle and stay mindful of your hydration needs, especially if you live in a hot climate.

Herbal teas, coconut water, kombucha, sparkling water, or infused water with local fruits can be refreshing alternatives to plain water.

5. Stay Healthy on the Go

When you eat restaurant food, whether you’re ordering takeout, indulging in street food, or eating at a restaurant, look for local dishes that emphasize fresh ingredients, lean proteins, and vegetables. Get to know the healthier choices available in your area so that you know where to go when a craving strikes. 

6. Practice Mindfulness

Take the time to savor your meals, rather than bolting them down. Reduce distractions by avoiding screens or multitasking while you’re eating. This simple step can help you enjoy your food and decrease overeating. Think about your local or cultural practices around eating. Ayurvedic Eating in India, for example, focuses on eating according to body type and focusing on the six different types of tastes (sweet, salty, sour, pungent, bitter, and astringent) when eating. In China, some people eat with chopsticks to slow down the process. These simple steps can make your meals more enjoyable!

7. Move More

Physical movement regulates blood sugar, reduces cravings, and improves appetite. Aim to incorporate movement into your everyday activities. You can integrate some physical activity into your routine regardless of where you are or what your usual routine looks like. Try walking, cycling, taking the stairs, dancing, or using Sworkit to find your perfect workout routine.

8. Block Your Calendar With Healthy Eating Habits

Don’t just assume that healthy eating and activity will just happen. Instead, block out time in your calendar every week for meal prep, cooking, and even enjoying your food. Taking time to prepare and enjoy your meals is just as important as all the other things on your schedule. Give them the same level of importance you would give a scheduled meeting, and you’ll find it’s much easier to stay on track!

Keeping up with healthy eating in the midst of a busy schedule can be challenging. However, with these strategies, you can more easily incorporate it into your regular routine–and appreciate the benefits of healthy eating.

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