
I don’t have motivation to start, help!

Hill, PT, CSCS

Everyone starts somewhere, and no one starts out perfect. It’s unrealistic to think that you’re going to start out doing something that you’ve never done before perfectly and that applies to starting your exercise, fitness, and health journey! With the modern conveniences of our day, it’s more and more difficult to live a healthy balanced lifestyle. It’s not something that comes naturally for us as humans, we have to make a commitment to consistently work toward our fitness goals.

If you’re just starting out on this fitness journey, you may have asked yourself, “where do I start?” “What’s the first step?” Or, “how do I begin?” These questions are all perfectly logical and expected when tackling something as broad and challenging as health and wellness.

So, Where Do I Start?

As a personal trainer, I get asked this question a lot — almost every single day actually. People desire to change their lives but are not sure where to get begin. And although it’s extremely common, it’s actually my favorite question to be asked! Do you want to know why? Because it means that they are ready for change, and a desire for change is the first step. This is the starting line.

Having a desire to change is like small kindling. It doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to keep you warm for a very long time but it has the potential to ignite a wildfire. It can easily burn out, but if provided the proper fuel source it can turn into a raging and unstoppable fire!

You too have the potential to become a raging unstoppable fitness and wellness fire! If you let fitness become part of who you are your lifestyle will slowly mold, change, and adapt to a new lifestyle as you continuously fuel the fire and flames. 

The Fire is Lit, How do I Keep it From Going Out?

Your fire needs a direction. Figuring out specific goals early on will help you create a specific direction for your fitness plans. If you’re just starting your fitness journey set small and realistic goals. Once you regularly crush your goals you’ll continue to adopt them into your everyday lifestyle and routine.

What is the fuel? The fuel to your fitness and wellness fire is knowledge — logical, un-opinionated, evidence-based knowledge. Learn from reputable sources, become an expert on what you need to do in order to accomplish the fitness and wellness goals that you have set. Education will help you understand what lifestyle changes are necessary in order to reach your fitness goals.

A real wildfire is difficult to stop, and so is your fitness wildfire that begins as you create new habits and a new lifestyle. In time it becomes an unstoppable force to help you reach your goals.

If you’re feeling motivated try Sworkit’s workout.

Hill, PT, CSCS

Steve is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Physical Therapist, and one of Sworkit's Fitness Trainers. His favorite activities are working out, hiking, four-wheeling, and body surfing. Steve loves helping members with injury prevention, exercise modification, and strength training.
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