
Back-to-School Stress: How Physical Activity Can Help You Cope

Rikki Bautista

The back-to-school season can cause considerable stress for many families. Returning to school means substantial changes from school break routines. Kids and parents must get used to earlier mornings, going to sleep earlier, and new activities. As you prepare for back-to-school —whether it’s in a few weeks or a couple of months—remember that staying active can really help manage the school stress that comes with this busy time.

1. Support Disrupted Routines

Keeping up with exercise can be tough when school starts. Early mornings, school pickup schedules, homework, and increased activities can all disrupt even the best-laid routines and result in school stress. With Sworkit, however, staying active is easier–even with a busy school schedule. You can:

  • Schedule workouts and reminders to fit your family’s schedule and available time.
  • Access workout collections suitable for the whole family, whether it’s burning some extra energy for the kids or supporting Mom’s busy training program.
  • Exercise anytime, anywhere.

Because Sworkit goes with you on the go, you can fit in workouts when they’re convenient for you. That means you can get in some yoga on your lunch break, do some strength training before anyone else arrives at the office, or fit in a workout while you’re waiting for kids attending a sports practice.

2. Reduce School Stress Levels

Back-to-school stress releases hormones like adrenaline and cortisol, which can cause a number of symptoms ranging from muscle and joint tightness to discomfort and even pain. Sworkit’s collection of stress-reducing exercises can help release tension and ease tightness. Furthermore, engaging in regular exercise can help reduce your overall stress levels, which can help the school year go more positively. Consider introducing an exercise routine not only for you, but also for your kids–especially if they’re struggling with the beginning of a new year. This simple addition to their routines can decrease their school stress levels and make it easier for them to manage the challenges that crop up during the year.

3. Boost Mood

Physical activity serves as a potent mood-booster that can help you overcome the frustration and stress that often increase during the back-to-school season. It’s known to reduce anxiety and depression, allowing you to weather the storms that often appear during this difficult time of year. Keeping a regular fitness routine during back-to-school time can release endorphins, boosting your mood and increasing overall happiness even if you aren’t looking forward to the start of the school year. As a bonus, when your mood is better, the kids’ mood is likely to be better, too–and that can mean fewer arguments in the morning, less struggle over homework, and better preparation for the upcoming school year. 

4. Improve Sleep and Concentration

Exercise enhances sleep quality and cognitive function, helping students, parents, and educators manage their responsibilities more effectively. Going back to school is often a hard transition. You and the kids may have spent the time off from school sleeping in, with no real schedule to hold to. The arrival of the new school year, however, means that you have to break those patterns, heading off to bed earlier and getting up much earlier in the morning. A consistent exercise routine can help the whole family get better rest, improving concentration throughout the school day. 

Try Sworkit for Your Back-to-School Exercise Routines

Switching up your exercise routine with the arrival of the school year–or starting a new one if you’ve fallen off over the school break–can be challenging. However, with Sworkit Health, you have plenty of workouts in the palm of your hand. Try it out today for a portable, simple workout solution that can reduce your school stress levels and make the beginning of the school year easier to manage.

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