
Overcoming Obstacles to Success – Part 1

Victoria Davis Boysel

Hey Sworkit Community! Victoria Davis, Client Success Manager here at Sworkit.

I’m super excited to be participating in the SMART Summer Challenge with you! 

I wanted to share some tips for how to plan ahead for obstacles or challenges that will come when you’ve set goals for yourself. 

As someone with a health coaching background, I can attest to how important it is to set small, achievable goals for yourself to keep you motivated and on track. But even more important than outlining your goals, it’s imperative to know what keeps you from moving forward. In other words, know your roadblocks before they take you out!

Also, it’s also important to identify your “why” for working out and keep it as your driver to keep you going. It doesn’t have to be connected to a physical goal. 

Your “why” is unique to you, and you may actually have several reasons that will keep you on track.

As someone who was diagnosed with Tourette Syndrome at age 7, I have excess dopamine in my system, which means it’s hard for me to sit still. Moving each day isn’t just about staying in shape, it’s an outlet I need in order to keep my mind in a positive place and not bottle up the energy I have. If I go too long without exercise, I start to get anxious, I can’t focus at work, and I can even become depressed or angry. So, before you keep reading, I encourage you to find your “why.”

Now, let’s talk about those roadblocks: 

There will be moments when you want to give up.

There will be things that seem more important at the moment, making you want to skip your workout.

But there will also be times when you feel on fire and unstoppable. 

You’ll experience high energy days followed by low energy days. 

Here’s the thing – how you feel will be completely unpredictable.

But when you have a plan in place, it empowers you to know what to do before things can even begin to fall apart!

I decided to join the Sworkit fitness challenge, aiming for 7 days of movement. Even if you enjoy exercise and daily movement, making the conscious effort to move every single day is a challenge! 

Working in the fitness industry doesn’t make working out any easier (okay, maybe just a little…), but my point is: I’m the only one who can actually meet my goal. No one is forcing me to do it, so that means, I’m the one who has to stay committed to following through with my plan each and every day!

Here are the first 3 tips to help you move PAST your obstacles and move towards success.

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Make your workout a priority.

When you treat it just like a client or work meeting, a doctor’s appointment, pre-scheduled time with your spouse or family, or an event that’s been on your calendar for months, it starts to become just as important as everything else that has a space on your calendar. If your calendar is overbooked, see what else you can remove before eliminating something that will continuously boost your mental health, which will positively impact how you interact with everything in your daily life. 

I’ve learned that I need to exercise on the same day every day during the work week; if I compromise this time, my entire day feels off, my mood plummets, and I’m not as productive. To me, it feels like it’s hanging over my head, or I’ve missed something that is now a part of my lifestyle.

Set yourself up for success with comfortable clothing you can move in all day long.

What you’re wearing can make or break your desire to get moving. By changing clothes, you mentally prepare yourself for the type of activity you’ll include in your day. 

For me, even if I’ve exercised in the morning, I make it a goal to put clothing on that I feel comfortable moving around in all day long. That way, if I want to go for a walk or stand up and stretch a few times throughout the day, I eliminate the excuse that I need to change my clothes to make it happen – I’m already ready to go! 

Don’t let the amount of time you have become an excuse.

Even if you only have 5 minutes (or something random like 8 minutes), you can get movement in with your Sworkit app! With Sworkit, you can choose from pre-made workouts or activity breaks that will work with the time you have. Every time I complete a session (even if it’s stretching at my desk for 3 minutes), I feel accomplished and motivated to keep going. 

Ready for Part 2 of Overcoming Obstacles to Success? Click here to read more.

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