
6 Easy Ways to Be Active Every Day

Ryan Hanna

Fitting a reasonable amount of activity into each day is key to boosting your overall health and fitness, but not everyone has time to fit a daily structured workout routine into their schedule. Fortunately, there are plenty of less obvious options for easily adding other types of movement to each day. Even a few minutes at a time can add up, especially when these alternatives to traditional exercise are used to break up a mostly sedentary day. Here are six helpful tips for staying active at work and around the house!

Staying Active at Work 

Many work environments naturally involve various challenges to fitting an ideal amount of movement into your days. Fortunately, a bit of creativity can go a long way to making small changes that reduce your sedentary lifestyle. Here are some helpful tips for increasing movement at your workplace!

Take the Stairs 

While there is nothing wrong with taking the elevator if you are covering dozens of floors or transporting heavy equipment, choosing the stairs whenever it makes sense is a simple way to work toward your step goals. Even short flights of stairs work more muscles than simply walking, which can go a long way toward boosting your overall fitness level. If you feel less motivated to get up and move, pack a comfortable pair of shoes for your desk.

Do it as a Team

Step away from your desk and use your next meeting as a walking break. Walking meetings are a great way to bring a colleague along and encourage others to join you on Sworkit. Invite your team into the fun and try our group challenge feature available to companies, made to bring everyone together to work towards the same goal.

Invest in a Standing Desk 

Spending the majority of the day sitting is a common hazard of many office jobs, but switching to a standing desk can increase your movement and improve your posture. An adjustable desk that converts from an ideal sitting height to a standing position can also be a helpful option if you are unable to bring in a completely different desk or do not like the idea of standing for the entire workday. While you are up, try this ‘Sit and Stand Desk Stretch’ break workout.

Park Strategically 

While parking as close to the door as possible can be convenient, taking the opposite approach can be a simple way to add steps to your day. Choosing the furthest parking spots naturally builds a short walk into each morning and evening, which can provide a much-needed burst of energy while boosting your movement. 

Adding Activity to Other Areas of Your Life 

While work likely takes up a significant percentage of your week, fitting regular activity into the time you spend at home is also a must when it comes to building a healthy lifestyle. Here are some simple ways to add regular movement to your days!

Prioritize Walking 

Walking burns more calories than you might expect, and it is among the simplest activities for most people to do. Even a 10-minute walk can significantly boost your mood and energy levels, and frequent longer walks can be an excellent choice for nearly anyone who is looking to build a healthier lifestyle with little experience. Walking with friends or family members or listening to music or podcasts can help to pass the time and create an even more enjoyable experience. Don’t forget to track/sync your steps and get credit for all your movement in other apps.

Take Advantage of Commercial Breaks 

Being intentional about doing something active during commercial or ad breaks can help you get even more out of enjoying your favorite TV show or catching up on YouTube videos. Even 30 seconds of lifting weights, jumping rope, jogging in place, or another simple movement can add up over time and help you make even the most sedentary parts of your day a bit healthier. Our ‘Couch to Fit’ workout plan is built just for that!

Choose Active Chores 

Doing a bit more around the house can make your home an even more peaceful and enjoyable oasis while providing more natural options for helping you get moving throughout the day.  Cleaning, organizing, gardening, and even redecorating can burn a significant number of extra calories on days when you do not have the time or energy for a more structured workout. 

Choose Sworkit Health to Stay Active 

While everyday movement is key to improving your overall health and fitness levels, it should not be considered a full replacement for fitting more structured workouts into your schedule when you are able to. Sworkit Health offers a wide range of classic and unique online workouts for users of any age and fitness level. From yoga and basic cardio workouts to exciting programs you have probably never heard of, our app provides an abundance of options for enhancing your at-home workout routine. Browse our website to explore the workouts we have to offer!

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