The most wonderful time of the year can also be the most tempting when it comes to breaking healthy habits. With the added stress of a busy holiday schedule, frequent social gatherings, and a season filled with delectable baked goods, many struggle with overindulgence or restriction due to fear of a binge. The wellness experts Read more…
Read MoreHabit
How To Step Up Your Daily Steps
Did you know that experts recommend walking 10,000 steps a day? While that may sounds daunting, hitting just 8,000 steps a few times a week can still do wonders for your health! Many people find it challenging to increase their daily step count or simply aren’t aware of how much they are moving. The secret Read more…
Read MoreFitting a reasonable amount of activity into each day is key to boosting your overall health and fitness, but not everyone has time to fit a daily structured workout routine into their schedule. Fortunately, there are plenty of less obvious options for easily adding other types of movement to each day. Even a few minutes Read more…
Read MoreYou recognize you’d like to make a change in your eating habits, but you aren’t sure how to go about making this shift a sustainable reality. This article will review a few healthy eating habits and ways you can make sustainable changes, one small step at a time. Avoiding drastic changes that are unrealistic to Read more…
Read MoreHeart Healthy Workouts To Get Ready for Valentine’s Day
This Valentine’s Day, celebrate your loved ones, but be sure to show yourself some love by taking time to focus on your cardiovascular health. Whether or not you have a significant other to mark this day with, ensure that your physical heart is in top condition. Your overall health is integral for a healthy heart Read more…
Read MoreHave you ever wondered, “what is meditation and what’s the big hype?” Many people sing its praises. Some have even dedicated their lives to it. So what is the big deal? What exactly is meditation, and how can it improve your life? Here at Sworkit Health, we partnered with experts to create meditation guides that are Read more…
Read MoreHave you been feeling like working out is a chore recently? Or maybe you are past that point and you just haven’t been working out at all. Hey, no judgment from us. You are not alone. We all experience burnout or frustration with our workouts at some point in our lives. Here at Sworkit, it Read more…
Read MoreMost of the day, our brain runs on autopilot; we have routines that we’re used to, whether we enjoy them or not. However, unexpected things will happen on days that we weren’t prepared for, which cause us to stop with the routine and interact with the unexpected situation. Now, what would happen if we were Read more…
Read MoreWhat Are Intermittent Workouts? Intermittent workouts are based on the frequency and the high impact that happens in short periods of time. A mini version of a standard workout, they do not last much longer than a few minutes at a time. They can be spread out evenly throughout the day or scheduled with a Read more…
Read MoreThe Myth of Being Lazy
Why haven’t you started your fitness journey? If you believe your reason is that you’re just “too lazy,” I have great news for you! Laziness is a myth. Hear me out.
Read MoreHow to Fix Your Posture
Have you been sitting at a desk for work or class for hours on end? Well, you aren’t alone. Many of us struggle with good upright sitting posture, especially for prolonged periods of time. There are many ways to help combat the slouched over sitting we have all succumbed to at some point in our Read more…
Read MoreAt Sworkit, we believe in moderation. We love donuts occasionally, too! There isn’t one specific diet plan that works for everyone and we like to keep things realistic. Which is good news because that means you have options! For weight loss I recommend tracking your calories, that is the best way to accurately know how Read more…
Read MoreInjuries happen. I’m here to help you open up your eyes to the possibility of modification, rather than elimination so that you can keep your routine going.
Read MoreHow to Set Fitness SMART Goals
Sworkit is here to help you make your goals go from average to SMART! We don’t expect you to change your goal, but this course is meant to be a tool in your tool kit of how to continually improve.
Read MoreWith social distancing and so many people working from home, we have 5 tips you don’t want to miss for staying healthy while working from home.
Read MoreKeep Up With Your Goals Using a “Halftime Huddle”
A Different Approach to Goal Setting Anyone who knows anything about football knows about the halftime huddle: The team takes a breather and gathers around the coach. Together they review the first half of the game– what went well? What didn’t? What did they learn about their opponent? Next, they use that knowledge to make Read more…
Read MoreThere’s a lot of information about what a healthy diet looks like. We can agree there’s no shortage of advice on this topic, and it can easily become overwhelming and confusing! But first and foremost, it’s important to know that maintaining a healthy diet does not imply depriving yourself of the foods you love or reducing the Read more…
Read MoreWeight loss is a simple formula: You lose weight by reducing fat, and you reduce fat by burning more energy (calories) than you consume. Even though it’s as simple (notice we didn’t say easy) as that, there are ways to work out that will help you burn fat and gain muscle more efficiently. Your personal Read more…
Read MoreLet’s be real. When it comes to starting a fitness plan, good intentions don’t always turn into long-term results. How many times have you jumped into exercising with both feet (literally), only to revert to old patterns a few weeks later? You’re not alone…
Read MoreWork, family, friends, or just life in general. We don’t disagree with you that sometimes things are stressful and it makes it really difficult to get into the mood to workout. How can you…
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