Have you fallen off the fitness bandwagon? Maybe you were never on it to begin with, but are looking for a simple way to integrate fitness into your busy life. Whatever your circumstances are, Couch to Fit is the perfect program for both absolute fitness beginners and individuals looking to get back into shape.
Sworkit’s Couch to Fit workout series will get you up off the couch and have you moving that body like it was always meant to be moved. A body in motion stays in motion, keeping your body moving now will inspire you to continue to get up off the couch as time progresses.
Who is the Couch to Fit Workout Series For?
The Couch to Fit workout series is for both absolute fitness beginners and individuals wanting to get back into shape. This is a simple workout series that will teach fitness beginners many basic exercise principles. It is also a great program to start with if you have drifted away from fitness and are looking to start a new routine. This program will help prepare you to take on bigger fitness challenges down the road.
What are the Benefits of this Program?

There are many benefits of the Couch to Fit workout series. You will not only learn important fitness principles, but also build your strength, flexibility, and cardio levels through this simple program. You have a lot to gain and nothing to lose by taking on the Couch to Fit workout challenge!
Remember, a body in motion stays in motion. To move and feel good in your later years, you need to keep that body moving now. Through this program, you will feel reinvigorated and ready to take on the world as you build up your overall fitness level.
Program Breakdown

The Couch to Fit workout series is a simple six-week program. During the first week, you will complete three workouts. These workouts will center around learning stretching, moving, and strength basics. The second week will continue with three new workouts. These workouts will teach you more about flexibility, yoga, and core work. The third week of the program gets kicked up a notch. During the third week, you will take on four workouts. These workouts will continue to build your strength, flexibility, and core.
During the fourth week, you will once again take on four workouts, continuing to build up your strength, stamina, and endurance. By week five of the Couch to Fit series, you will notice big changes in your mood and general well-being. During week five, you will once again take on four workouts. Each one will help to develop the strong fitness foundation you are looking to create for yourself.
Finally, you will reach the sixth week. Congratulations, this is a big accomplishment! During your last week in the Couch to Fit workout series, you will take on five workouts. Each workout will continue to develop your overall strength, flexibility, and endurance. After finishing the Couch to Fit workout series, you will have made great strides in your overall health and fitness and be ready to take on your next big fitness challenge!
Get Sworkit Today
Now is the time to take your fitness goals into your own hands. It’s time to get up off the couch and challenge yourself to get fit. Get Sworkit today and try the Couch to Fit series now with a free seven-day trial. This is a simple program for fitness beginners to take on. It will challenge you, but nothing worth having ever comes easy. Six weeks from now you will be thankful that you took this leap!
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