Fitness Goals

Man splashes his face with water after finishing his summer workout.

As temperatures soar, reaching your fitness goals can seem like a higher bar too. It’s difficult to keep your energy levels up, avoid dehydration and stress, and maintain your summer workouts. Luckily, we have put together a few simple tips for staying active in the summer heat so your health and wellness don’t take a vacation. Read more…

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Woman is excited after reaching her wellness goals.

It’s the middle of the year. How are you doing with your health and fitness goals? No shame if the answer is “not well,” but regardless of how you think you are doing, now is a great time to reflect on your progress and wellness goals. To do so, follow the three R’s. It’s a Read more…

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Man exercising during Men's Health Month.

June is Men’s Health Month, where fitness and wellness are top-of-mind for the guys in our community. We’re highlighting the importance of preventative care and total body health for men at every age. Being proactive in both physical and mental health is the best way to build a solid foundation to support your goals. If Read more…

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Parent exercises with child on Family Health and Fitness Day.

June 8 is Family Health and Fitness Day, and there’s no time like the beginning of summer to think about the importance of taking the time to have some fun in the sun with your children. With obesity and the many health concerns that can accompany it on the rise, finding fun and creative ways Read more…

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Foot shot of a group of marathon runners.

June 5 is National Running Day. Whether you’re a long-time runner or you’re looking for a new style of workout, that makes it the perfect time to celebrate. However, training for running isn’t just about lacing up your shoes and hitting the trails. It also means making sure that you’re ready for whatever the workout Read more…

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Employees exercise together during the work day to promote employee health and wellness.

Have you developed your company’s fitness and wellness program, or are in the process of creating one? If you haven’t, now is a great time to kick-start a wellness program for your employees. Whether or not an employee wellness program already exists, consider celebrating Global Employee Health and Fitness Month which aims to improve the Read more…

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Woman smiles after a run that helped her mental wellness.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Did you know getting more exercise can boost your mood and mental wellness? In fact, Physical activity is strongly linked to mental health. There are many ways in which staying active can improve your life and give you a higher level of control over your mental health. Here are Read more…

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Woman does ab exercises during her home workout.

Having a strong core helps improve your physical performance and overall health. While countless ab exercises can strengthen your core, some are more effective than others. Here are some of the best ab exercises to help you tighten and tone your stomach muscles for a strong core. 1.  Scissor Kicks Why Does It Work? Scissor Read more…

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setting goals

Sworkit Health is here to help you make your goals go from average to SMART! Many people set goals for themselves that might be unrealistically ambitious, not specific enough as to when the goal should be accomplished, or don’t really think about how to go about achieving it. We don’t expect you to change your Read more…

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Employees workout as part of a workplace wellness program.

Workplace wellness is a top priority of employers across all industries. The well-being of your employees has a profound influence on the efficiency and positivity within your company. A healthy workforce is more likely to be motivated, productive, and live good lives in tandem with their working hours. August is National Wellness Month — a Read more…

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Group of hikers in the woods experience the benefits of hiking.

Most people take hiking as a perfect escape to the great outdoors, offering a blend of nature, physical activity, and mental rejuvenation. It is an ideal way to achieve overall well-being in an era where busy lifestyles are taking over. Here are the benefits of hiking, best practices for a successful hike, and how Sworkit Read more…

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A dumbbell with weights shaped like hearts shows strength training is a good heart healthy workout.

This Valentine’s Day, celebrate your loved ones, but be sure to show yourself some love by taking time to focus on your cardiovascular health. Whether or not you have a significant other to mark this day with, ensure that your physical heart is in top condition. Your overall health is integral for a healthy heart Read more…

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Happy woman sits at her desk, thinking of her work-life balance goals.

Chances are that work-life balance was the top requirement for this year’s resolution. Have you established a regular cadence for evaluating your work-life balance and jotting down your thoughts on how things are going? If not, start today, so you have something to reflect on and see how you are progressing over time. Are you Read more…

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Developing a visible set of six-pack abs is not easy. It takes a lot more than a few daily sets of crunches and sit-ups. When it comes down to it, building a chiseled core takes a holistic approach to fitness. You need a program that blends smart diet decisions with core-focused training and some total-body Read more…

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Are you experiencing a weight loss plateau? You started this weight loss journey knowing it would be tough, but you didn’t realize how tough it would be. In the beginning, the weight seemed to just slide off. You reduced your calories, stuck with your diet, and began exercising and the extra pounds came off with Read more…

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Woman tracks SMART fitness goals on smartwatch

Setting fitness goals is a great way to keep you on track and motivated when working out. Whether you’ve been working out for a while now or are new to exercise goal setting, SMART fitness goals can help you lose weight, improve your fitness level, and help you reach an important milestone. SMART Fitness Goals Read more…

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Older couple stays fit doing yoga exercises with the Sworkit app.

Are you someone who has exercised all your life and now you’re ready for new challenges as you’re entering your senior years? Or maybe you’re goal is to stay mobile and agile so you can keep up with grandkids. Either way, the Sworkit fitness app is the perfect tool to help older adults stay fit. Read more…

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Person touches wearable device before workout.

Wearable technology includes intelligent electronic devices that are worn on the body to streamline workouts. In recent years, they have taken over the fitness industry. They are a reliable way to improve health and boost performance during workouts. These electronic devices allow you to view results from your activities by tracking your progress through a Read more…

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