Fitness Goals

Mid-Year Wellness Goal Check-In: The Three R’s

Rikki Bautista

It’s the middle of the year. How are you doing with your health and fitness goals? No shame if the answer is “not well,” but regardless of how you think you are doing, now is a great time to reflect on your progress and wellness goals.

To do so, follow the three R’s. It’s a simple way to help you stay on track and push through to the end of the year.

Reflect and Reward

How far have you come? Consider taking the time to write down and track all the progress you have made from the beginning of the year and reward yourself! One way to do so is to share all your hard work in Sworkit! You can share completed workouts and encourage others, and look at what others have done. It’s like having a workout buddy on your phone.

If you aren’t on track, then reflecting can help you determine what has worked for you and what has not. You can also look at unexpected barriers. Maybe your work schedule changed and threw off your workout schedule. Maybe you tried something that worked for a friend, but it simply doesn’t work for you, because you’re different people. Or maybe you had an injury that slowed you down.

No matter where you fall on your progress, it is important to practice self-compassion and empathy with yourself. There are always wins to celebrate, no matter how small or large. Our Sworkit meditation on self-belief and self-worth can also help by getting you to practice positive affirmations.

Reassess Your Goals

If you’re finding things are too easy, now is a good time to switch things up. If you’re struggling, you may have set goals that are too big. Remember that your goals should follow the S.M.A.R.T. technique – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timebound.

You might need to back off a bit and set goals that are closer to what you have the time and energy to actually achieve. Or you may find you’ve set a goal that isn’t as easy to measure as you thought and you need to adjust it. Bear in mind that things can also change throughout the year. Six months can be a long time, so you might need to realign where you are in life right now.

Go back to your health and wellness vision that matches your authentic self, needs, desires, and values, and make sure everything you are doing fits that vision and supports your health and wellness goals.


If you’re lucky, your goals have become an easy habit. For many people, though, motivation drops a few months into the year. This is particularly true if you have long-term goals that take more than that to achieve.

A mid-year check-in can help spark some excitement and stay on top of your goals. Check out our “Reach Your Goal” collection to help you move forward. You may also find that you need to switch things up. Maybe you didn’t give yourself enough variety in your workouts, or picked something that isn’t helping with your goals. In other words, it looks like you aren’t achieving much because you’re achieving the wrong thing.

All of the three R’s work together. Reflecting can tell you how much you need to Recharge and how, and Reassessing can help you Recharge and deal with life’s inevitable changes.

With all of this, Sworkit Health can be your digital partner. We provide a simplified total well-being solution, with 4-in-1 support for Physical Activity, Mental Health, Musculoskeletal Health, and Nutrition. Let us help you reach your health and wellness goals.

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