
Man sits on his couch, listening to headphones as part of his meditation routine.

Welcome back to our blog! If you have been keeping up with our most recent articles, you know that we have been discussing the amazing benefits of daily meditation. Are you ready to get started? Here at Sworkit Health, we have everything you need to begin your mindfulness and meditation journey. This article will walk you Read more…

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Woman practices meditation while drinking a cup of coffee.

Have you ever wondered, “what is meditation and what’s the big hype?” Many people sing its praises. Some have even dedicated their lives to it. So what is the big deal? What exactly is meditation, and how can it improve your life? Here at Sworkit Health, we partnered with experts to create meditation guides that are Read more…

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Person shoveling snow against a blue sky.

Many people dread snow falling, mainly because it is a prelude to the inevitable shoveling that follows. However, we encourage you to look at shoveling snow as a bonus exercise opportunity. Shoveling snow is like a full-body gym workout that’s been brought right to your door. Like any strenuous workout, you’ll want to be sure that Read more…

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Happy woman sits at her desk, thinking of her work-life balance goals.

Chances are that work-life balance was the top requirement for this year’s resolution. Have you established a regular cadence for evaluating your work-life balance and jotting down your thoughts on how things are going? If not, start today, so you have something to reflect on and see how you are progressing over time. Are you Read more…

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Lynda is a 55-year-old that struggles with lower back pain. She has been cleared by the doctor to exercise. Here are some stretches and exercises Lynda should do to help relieve her pain. Lower Trunk Rotation, 10x each side Single Knee to Chest, 10x each side Pelvic Tilts, 15x Clamshells, 15x each side Piriformis Stretch, Read more…

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Are you getting ready for National Bike to Work Day? Here are recommendations for a safe bike commute. This year, National Bike to Work Day will be May 20. This annual day brings awareness and support to the cycling community and also encourages others to try something new! In preparation for Bike to Work Day, Read more…

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Most of the day, our brain runs on autopilot; we have routines that we’re used to, whether we enjoy them or not. However, unexpected things will happen on days that we weren’t prepared for, which cause us to stop with the routine and interact with the unexpected situation. Now, what would happen if we were Read more…

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Exercising is an excellent way to relieve stress. Physical activity increases your heart rate and releases endorphins, which have mood-boosting effects. Exercise also helps to distract you from stressful thoughts, giving you a much-needed break from your day-to-day worries. Unfortunately, keeping up with a regular exercise routine can be challenging, especially when derailed by work, Read more…

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A little planning can go a long way towards ensuring you attain your health goals. If you plan to embrace a good lifestyle, developing a wellness routine will help you stay on course. A wellness routine is a daily program that fits into your schedule. It can include drinking more water, turning off devices before bed, or Read more…

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What you do and how you feel comes largely from what you think. Simple examples include, sometimes you wouldn’t feel sad if you didn’t think you had lost something. Or, you wouldn’t watch a movie if you didn’t think it was going to be a good movie to watch. However, it’s not always that simple, Read more…

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When topics of physical performance, weight loss, and building strength come up, often times rest and recovery are not part of the conversation. However, it’s incredibly important that you optimize your sleep to recover and perform at your best.  One of the main ways that our bodies recover is getting adequate rest! During the hours Read more…

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Older couple stays fit doing yoga exercises with the Sworkit app.

Are you someone who has exercised all your life and now you’re ready for new challenges as you’re entering your senior years? Or maybe you’re goal is to stay mobile and agile so you can keep up with grandkids. Either way, the Sworkit fitness app is the perfect tool to help older adults stay fit. Read more…

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Depiction of a body fighting disease, boost your immune system.

Boosting your immune system has never been more important. Your immune system is your main line of defense against infections. As soon as an invading germ or virus is detected, your body goes to work to neutralize and banish the unwelcome guest. How does your immune system accomplish this? Your immune system uses a range Read more…

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Group of women who just finished a workout shows fitness for real people

If you have the time and the money to spend hours at the gym, that’s great. But most of us are entrenched in real lives, with hectic schedules, limited budgets, and competing priorities. We need fitness for real people. Here’s where Sworkit comes in… Sworkit is the workout app that meets you where you are: on Read more…

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Picture of foods that increase energy, such as salmon, nuts, and avocado.

A brand-new season is here, and for many, it’s the perfect opportunity to amp up your goals and get back on track with a healthy lifestyle. As important as sleep and regular exercise are for achieving your SMART fitness goals, the food that you eat is probably the most important element to living a healthy, Read more…

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Exercise doesn’t have to be something you do on your own, away from or without your family. Instead of viewing exercise as a separate activity where you have to work out at a gym or follow a set routine, why not try thinking of it as daily movement or even a family activity? When you Read more…

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