Sworkit Blog

healthy food for weight management

It’s no surprise that nutrition and your daily diet play a significant role in weight management. In fact, it goes beyond weight management and also affects your individual health and well-being. This article will break down key factors related to nutrition, weight management, and your overall health and well-being. 1. NUTRITION & WEIGHT CONNECTION It’s Read more…

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Employees workout as part of a workplace wellness program.

Workplace wellness is a top priority of employers across all industries. The well-being of your employees has a profound influence on the efficiency and positivity within your company. A healthy workforce is more likely to be motivated, productive, and live good lives in tandem with their working hours. August is National Wellness Month — a Read more…

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Group of hikers in the woods experience the benefits of hiking.

Most people take hiking as a perfect escape to the great outdoors, offering a blend of nature, physical activity, and mental rejuvenation. It is an ideal way to achieve overall well-being in an era where busy lifestyles are taking over. Here are the benefits of hiking, best practices for a successful hike, and how Sworkit Read more…

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Female listens to music while she walks to improve mental health.

Exercise isn’t only about improving your physical well-being. It’s also about enhancing your psychological well-being. Did you know individuals who engage in regular exercise feel energetic throughout the day? Additionally, they have a better sleep at night, have sharper memories, and feel more relaxed and positive about their lives. Exercise is a powerful tool to Read more…

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Man holds his elbow because of pain from tennis elbow.

“Tennis elbow” is more accurately called lateral epicondylitis. It does not just affect tennis players, despite the name (although it certainly can). You are at risk of tennis elbow if you engage in any repetitive motion of the wrist and arm. Plumbers, painters, carpenters, and butchers often experience it. Symptoms of Tennis Elbow Tennis elbow Read more…

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The sciatic nerves are the longest nerves in the human body. Several nerve roots emerge from either side of the spine in the lower back and merge to form the two sciatic nerves, left and right. These run down the back of the left and right legs. The large sciatic nerves connect the spine to Read more…

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A person uses a roller ball to relieve plantar fasciitis pain.

Plantar fasciitis is very common. It is characterized by stabbing heel pain, which can be particularly severe when taking the first few steps after resting or after long periods of sitting. The initial pain resolves after walking a few steps but tends to return later if you continue to move. The plantar fascia is a Read more…

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Sworkit makes fitness simple. With Sworkit, members are able to get in shape, and more importantly, stay in shape. The daily workout app has everything from advice and guidance from personal trainers to nutrition specialists. Sworkit allows members to customize their plans as well as track their progress, and workouts can be completed at home, Read more…

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A dumbbell with weights shaped like hearts shows strength training is a good heart healthy workout.

This Valentine’s Day, celebrate your loved ones, but be sure to show yourself some love by taking time to focus on your cardiovascular health. Whether or not you have a significant other to mark this day with, ensure that your physical heart is in top condition. Your overall health is integral for a healthy heart Read more…

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Healthy super bowl snacks include a charcuterie board and beer.

The Super Bowl is just a short time away and even non-football fans can gather around the TV for the game. Think about it: anyone who goes to the movies will love the million-dollar commercials, a music lover will enjoy the half-time event and real football fans will, of course, have fun watching the big Read more…

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Man sits on his couch, listening to headphones as part of his meditation routine.

Welcome back to our blog! If you have been keeping up with our most recent articles, you know that we have been discussing the amazing benefits of daily meditation. Are you ready to get started? Here at Sworkit Health, we have everything you need to begin your mindfulness and meditation journey. This article will walk you Read more…

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Woman practices meditation while drinking a cup of coffee.

Have you ever wondered, “what is meditation and what’s the big hype?” Many people sing its praises. Some have even dedicated their lives to it. So what is the big deal? What exactly is meditation, and how can it improve your life? Here at Sworkit Health, we partnered with experts to create meditation guides that are Read more…

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Person shoveling snow against a blue sky.

Many people dread snow falling, mainly because it is a prelude to the inevitable shoveling that follows. However, we encourage you to look at shoveling snow as a bonus exercise opportunity. Shoveling snow is like a full-body gym workout that’s been brought right to your door. Like any strenuous workout, you’ll want to be sure that Read more…

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Happy woman sits at her desk, thinking of her work-life balance goals.

Chances are that work-life balance was the top requirement for this year’s resolution. Have you established a regular cadence for evaluating your work-life balance and jotting down your thoughts on how things are going? If not, start today, so you have something to reflect on and see how you are progressing over time. Are you Read more…

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Have you been feeling like working out is a chore recently? Or maybe you are past that point and you just haven’t been working out at all. Hey, no judgment from us. You are not alone. We all experience burnout or frustration with our workouts at some point in our lives. Here at Sworkit, it Read more…

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