
push-ups at gym

Push-ups are a great calisthenics exercise for everyone, from beginners to lifelong fitness enthusiasts. What makes the push-up so great is that it’s one of the simplest, yet most beneficial exercises for both strength and muscle gain. Not only does the push-up help build strength and muscle, but it proves to be a very versatile Read more…

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woman doing foam roller exercises indoors

Foam rolling can be done as a warm-up, cool-down or both! When performed properly, a foam rolling workout can have similarities to a sports massage. When performed before a workout, or as a warm-up, the goal is to increase the blood flow to the muscles and get the most optimal range of motion so that Read more…

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foam roller orange and blue

Are you new to foam rolling? Or maybe you’ve used a foam roller before, but you’re not clear on the benefits? Foam rolling is a type of self-myofascial release. Self-myofascial means releasing the tension within your fascia (the tissue that connects all of the muscles in your body) by yourself. Top 4 Benefits to using Read more…

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hockey player on the ice

If you have collegiate or professional hockey aspirations or even if you’re just a recreational player, chances are you’re looking for ways to level up your game. Along with proper strength and conditioning, there are certain nutritional principles that hockey players should follow. Check out the hockey nutritional guide below and pick up some great Read more…

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Muscle Soreness

Let’s pretend it’s the first week of January. The holiday memories from the past few weeks drift away as you get started on your New Year’s resolution: a weekly exercise program. You’ve already completed (and dominated) your first workout and you’re excited for the next one. Yeah, you feel tired, but you’re sense of accomplishment Read more…

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We have the best facts about running for you. Each day, millions of people from all around the world go for a run. Some run marathons, some go out for a jogging session…

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Try our Sworkit fitness app weight loss workout for runners looking to sculpt and tighten. Inspired by Runners World, this workout is jam-packed with cardio exercises that’ll surely…

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Pre Run Stretch
Fitness Goals

Dynamic Pre-Run Stretch

Try these dynamic stretches which are significant before a run to avoid going out with cold muscles, which can lead to injury, tears, and strains.

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