Sworkit Blog

At Sworkit, we believe in moderation. We love donuts occasionally, too! There isn’t one specific diet plan that works for everyone and we like to keep things realistic. Which is good news because that means you have options! For weight loss I recommend tracking your calories, that is the best way to accurately know how Read more…

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Fitness Goals

Should You Train Sick?

As Summer comes and goes, the days get shorter and colder leading to cold/flu season. No good for you if you’re trying to stay on top of your fitness regime. You don’t have time to get sick. Ain’t nobody got time for that! One morning you wake up and find you’re not feeling so well Read more…

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There are so many benefits to stretching. It is an important part of living a long and healthy life. You may be wondering why flexibility is so important and such an essential part of your fitness routine. Read the top reasons why below. The Benefits of Stretching Decreases muscle stiffness and increases range of motion. Read more…

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stretching to avoid injury-related
Fitness Goals

How to Lose Belly Fat

Unfortunately, you cannot target one specific area of fat. Doing abdominal workouts all day every day may result in some great core strength, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it isn’t going to help you lose belly fat any faster than doing non-abdominal focused exercises. However, you can use specific types of exercises to Read more…

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Everyone starts somewhere, and no one starts out perfect. It’s unrealistic to think that you’re going to start out doing something that you’ve never done before perfectly and that applies to starting your exercise, fitness, and health journey! With the modern conveniences of our day, it’s more and more difficult to live a healthy balanced Read more…

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Contrary to the popular saying of “building your muscles” by working out, you actually tear down your muscles when you perform exercises. Each time we lift heavy weights (bodyweight included) or perform intense exercise, we break down the muscle fibers in order to be repaired bigger and stronger. Our bodies are capable of repairing quickly Read more…

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Fitness Goals

How To Build Your Glutes

Building your glutes takes time and dedication, like any muscle. Your glutes are made of three muscles: gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. The one that most people are thinking of when referring to improving their “glutes” cosmetically to get a plump round bottom is the gluteus maximus (aka glute max). This muscle is Read more…

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Jumping Jacks group fitness

Jumping jacks are a fun plyometric exercise, suitable for all fitness levels. Plyometrics combine aerobic exercise and resistance work, which works your heart, lungs, and muscles at the same time. Plyometric exercises like jumping jacks are primarily utilized to help people run faster and jump higher. What makes jumping jacks so efficient is that they Read more…

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inch worm plank

As you exercise, you always want to make sure there’s some benefit to it. Whether it be toning up your body and building strength, losing weight, or simply having fun – you want to feel and see the difference with each exercise. At Sworkit we aim to highlight specific workouts that are enjoyable while helping Read more…

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veggies for a vegan diet

It’s 2020 and it’s time to leave behind the myth of the scrawny, granola munching vegan. We all know a plant-based diet is so much more than a handful of trail mix. But can vegans build muscle as well as stay toned and mindful? Check out these tips for muscle-building vegans. Body by plants, tips by Read more…

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woman getting ready for sports training workout

Interested in getting into sports, but not sure where to begin? Never fear, Sworkit is here! We’ve got the perfect sports training workouts to help you get in shape so that you can stand out from the crowd during tryouts. Whether you’re interested in hitting the ice in the hockey rink or saddling up your Read more…

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rep-based workouts at home.

Getting in shape and creating a workout routine doesn’t have to be stressful. When you learn the basics behind things like rep-based workouts it can be more than rewarding. Getting in a quick workout is a great way to stay fit and relieve stress from daily activities. Sworkit knows and understands the importance of staying Read more…

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stretching to avoid injury-related

You’ve heard a million times about numerous benefits of working out. But what happens if you are injured? Whether an injury occurs during a workout, at work, or while walking down the street, you need to be extra careful about getting back into the exercise game. Meanwhile, you can do a few things to prevent Read more…

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No matter the circumstances, Crystal proves to be up for the challenges. Read Crystal’s interview on how she has made fitness a priority in her life.

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pilates grasshopper

The Benefits of Grasshoppers Grasshoppers are a Pilates exercise that benefits several areas of your body. When done correctly, Grasshoppers help: Improve lower body flexibility Strengthen several muscles including your glutes and the muscles surrounding your spine Improve your overall coordination Help you stretch all of your abdominal muscles While your glutes are the primary Read more…

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