Sworkit Blog

Woman completing a HIIT workout on her exercise mat with a kettlebell and dumbbells near by.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could keep burning calories after leaving the gym?  Believe it or not, it is possible.  There are some workouts, like interval training, that can keep your body burning calories throughout the cooldown and during muscle recovery.  However, if you’re looking to lose weight or build muscle, there’s no getting Read more…

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African American mother and daughter look at a laptop screen together

The first few weeks of the new school year can be stressful enough during a normal school year. The uncertainties of this fall are making settling into the school year even more challenging for many students and parents. Back to school stress is hitting kids and parents at all points during the school year, not Read more…

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Many struggle to eat the recommended daily 4-5 servings of fruit and veggies. If you’ve always eaten your veggies steamed without a lot of seasoning, you’re probably getting bored with them. Sounds like it’s time to add a little spice so you can sneak more veggies into your diet!  There are many ways to make Read more…

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There is no denying the paramount importance of physical activity. People of all ages can relate to the struggles that sometimes come with fitting fitness in. Not to mention, fitness from home has taken on a new meaning since the world has entered a global pandemic. With that being said, now is a great time Read more…

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Working out is super important. It boosts your mood and strengthens your body. It is the ultimate form of self-care. If you’re short on time or can’t get to the gym, don’t worry! There are many exercises that you can do, including these ten exercises that tone and tighten your body.  Mix and match these Read more…

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Meet Jason! Jason is an inspiration to the Sworkit community. He joined us and has entered his 50’s healthier and happier than ever before. When Jason isn’t Sworking out, you can find him in the Sworkit Community, spending time with his family, and practicing football with his son. Jason successfully has lost 38 lbs and Read more…

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Shot of sporty young woman eating salad and drinking fruit juice in the kitchen at home.

Should you eat or not eat before a workout? The short answer to the fitness fuel dilemma: it depends. Ready for a longer answer? Here we go! To Eat Before a Workout Many fitness experts, including the ones here at Sworkit, recommend that you eat a little something before each workout. What you choose to Read more…

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Progressive Overload  Steve Hill, CSCS You are a lean-mean-fat-burning-muscle-building machine. You’ve been killing it using the Sworkit app for a while; you made incredible gains in fat loss, muscle building, and overall strength and conditioning. You’ve reached a point where the workouts are easy—maybe a little too easy? You’ve also noticed that your strength and Read more…

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Students leaving school and ready for after-school activities

At this point, the only thing certain about the 2020-2021 school year is that it will look different from years gone by. From how students attend classes to their after-school activities, every aspect of the school year is going to be different from what we’re used to. That’s not necessarily a bad thing. Though we’re Read more…

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sedentary lifestyle

You may have heard that “sitting is the new smoking.” What does that mean? Much like smoking, a sedentary lifestyle can be bad for your health. With more people working from home now and people not going out to do things as much as they used to, it is as important as ever to make sure you’re getting Read more…

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trouble sleeping workout

Why haven’t you started your fitness journey? If you believe your reason is that you’re just “too lazy,” I have great news for you! Laziness is a myth. Hear me out.

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Finding and trying new recipes can be a daunting task. You don’t know how easy they’ll be to make, how good they’ll taste, and maybe you just don’t even know where to look for new recipe inspiration. Fortunately for you, we did all the searching for you and compiled 10 guilt-free, easy to make, and Read more…

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yoga at home

After a long day, all you want to do is go home and indulge in an evening of relaxation. Relaxing can look different to different people. Some people put on their pajamas and watch television to relax, while others settle into a comfy chair and read a good book. You might be missing out on Read more…

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Have you been sitting at a desk for work or class for hours on end? Well, you aren’t alone. Many of us struggle with good upright sitting posture, especially for prolonged periods of time. There are many ways to help combat the slouched over sitting we have all succumbed to at some point in our Read more…

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At Sworkit, we believe in moderation. We love donuts occasionally, too! There isn’t one specific diet plan that works for everyone and we like to keep things realistic. Which is good news because that means you have options! For weight loss I recommend tracking your calories, that is the best way to accurately know how Read more…

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Fitness Goals

Should You Train Sick?

As Summer comes and goes, the days get shorter and colder leading to cold/flu season. No good for you if you’re trying to stay on top of your fitness regime. You don’t have time to get sick. Ain’t nobody got time for that! One morning you wake up and find you’re not feeling so well Read more…

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There are so many benefits to stretching. It is an important part of living a long and healthy life. You may be wondering why flexibility is so important and such an essential part of your fitness routine. Read the top reasons why below. The Benefits of Stretching Decreases muscle stiffness and increases range of motion. Read more…

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stretching to avoid injury-related
Fitness Goals

How to Lose Belly Fat

Unfortunately, you cannot target one specific area of fat. Doing abdominal workouts all day every day may result in some great core strength, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it isn’t going to help you lose belly fat any faster than doing non-abdominal focused exercises. However, you can use specific types of exercises to Read more…

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