Sworkit Blog

Nutrition Plate

Movies and popcorn, picnics and sandwiches, campfires and marshmallows; the right activity and food combos can really enhance the experience. The same goes for fitness and nutrition. Getting the right nutrients is key to taking your fitness results to the next level. Want to know what to eat depending on your workout type? Check out Read more…

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Muscle Soreness

Let’s pretend it’s the first week of January. The holiday memories from the past few weeks drift away as you get started on your New Year’s resolution: a weekly exercise program. You’ve already completed (and dominated) your first workout and you’re excited for the next one. Yeah, you feel tired, but you’re sense of accomplishment Read more…

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Fitness Pose

If you’re new to fitness, it may feel like there are so many barriers to working out, developing a fitness plan, or hitting a weight loss goal: I don’t have time; I don’t know how to get started; I’m unmotivated; I’m afraid of looking ridiculous. If any of these challenges sound familiar, then it’s helpful Read more…

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workout equipment

Weight loss is a simple formula: You lose weight by reducing fat, and you reduce fat by burning more energy (calories) than you consume. Even though it’s as simple (notice we didn’t say easy) as that, there are ways to work out that will help you burn fat and gain muscle more efficiently. Your personal Read more…

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Friends Eating Healthy Together

There’s a lot of buzz about the benefits of clean eating. You’ve probably heard that it helps you lose weight and improves your overall health — that’s what grabs headlines and social media likes. But what exactly is clean eating, and how can (or why) should you do it?

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Healthy Food on a table

There’s no mystery to weight loss. It’s a simple formula. The problem is that simple doesn’t always equal easy. While specific foods aren’t magic pills, here are five power eats that can aid in weight loss.

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Meet Melissa. Melissa is a long time Sworkit member who loves Sworkit Challenges. She uses Sworkit in addition to her Jazzercise classes so that when she’s not in class she is still exercising and maintaining her fitness habit. You may see Melissa in our Sworkit Community. She posts awesome recipes and daily workout motivation. My Read more…

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For a number of years now, experts and medical professional are seeing increasing numbers of people with a correlation related to patients who have weight issues and troubles with sleep. Similarly to how choosing to eat healthy is essential for overall well-being, having good, high-quality sleep needs to be present too. There are, in fact, Read more…

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Paul lives no excuses. After an intense Achilles injury, Paul made sure he didn’t give up on exercising. He has made it a mission to share his story as he becomes able to play field hockey again. Proof that if you love something so much, you can achieve getting there – meet Paul.   I’m Read more…

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We’re so excited to introduce our second installment of Sworkit Spotlight, with JaNae. We’re interviewing our very inspiring Sworkiteers. If you’re interested in being spotlighted email us at stories@sworkit.com. JaNae is an all-star. She is in college for kinesiology and is an athlete. She’s lost 50 lbs from a healthy eating and fitness habits and Read more…

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We’re so excited to introduce Sworkit Spotlight! We’re interviewing our very inspiring Sworkiteers. If you’re interested in being spotlighted email us at stories@sworkit.com. Cookie is busy but that doesn’t stop her. She is a mom, a events associate, and a licensed Zumba instructor. She supplements her workouts with  Sworkit. Sworkit is perfect since she works from home. Meet Read more…

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We have the best facts about running for you. Each day, millions of people from all around the world go for a run. Some run marathons, some go out for a jogging session…

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No matter your health or fitness goals, one thing remains true for everyone: organic greens (and dark leafy greens in particular) are a cornerstone of nutritional health.

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