Sworkit Blog

pilates grasshopper

The Benefits of Grasshoppers Grasshoppers are a Pilates exercise that benefits several areas of your body. When done correctly, Grasshoppers help: Improve lower body flexibility Strengthen several muscles including your glutes and the muscles surrounding your spine Improve your overall coordination Help you stretch all of your abdominal muscles While your glutes are the primary Read more…

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Sworkit is here to help you make your goals go from average to SMART! We don’t expect you to change your goal, but this course is meant to be a tool in your tool kit of how to continually improve.

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couch to fit women jogging

Have you fallen off the fitness bandwagon? Maybe you were never on it to begin with, but are looking for a simple way to integrate fitness into your busy life. Whatever your circumstances are, Couch to Fit is the perfect program for both absolute fitness beginners and individuals looking to get back into shape. Sworkit’s Read more…

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Shaun Broyls lost 15 lbs, looked great, felt great, but was shocked to hear this diet-killer was really affecting his overall health.

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group accountability friends

A 17th century poet once said that “no man is an island.” This is just another way of saying that people depend upon each other for countless things and that group accountability is powerful. This also applies to learning how to become healthier and more fit. If you think you and you alone must have Read more…

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push-ups at gym

Push-ups are a great calisthenics exercise for everyone, from beginners to lifelong fitness enthusiasts. What makes the push-up so great is that it’s one of the simplest, yet most beneficial exercises for both strength and muscle gain. Not only does the push-up help build strength and muscle, but it proves to be a very versatile Read more…

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woman doing foam roller exercises indoors

Foam rolling can be done as a warm-up, cool-down or both! When performed properly, a foam rolling workout can have similarities to a sports massage. When performed before a workout, or as a warm-up, the goal is to increase the blood flow to the muscles and get the most optimal range of motion so that Read more…

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foam roller orange and blue

Are you new to foam rolling? Or maybe you’ve used a foam roller before, but you’re not clear on the benefits? Foam rolling is a type of self-myofascial release. Self-myofascial means releasing the tension within your fascia (the tissue that connects all of the muscles in your body) by yourself. Top 4 Benefits to using Read more…

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hockey player on the ice

If you have collegiate or professional hockey aspirations or even if you’re just a recreational player, chances are you’re looking for ways to level up your game. Along with proper strength and conditioning, there are certain nutritional principles that hockey players should follow. Check out the hockey nutritional guide below and pick up some great Read more…

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halftime huddle sworkit

A Different Approach to Goal Setting Anyone who knows anything about football knows about the halftime huddle: The team takes a breather and gathers around the coach. Together they review the first half of the game– what went well? What didn’t? What did they learn about their opponent? Next, they use that knowledge to make Read more…

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maintain fitness-based lifestyle

Have you ever declared to yourself to finally jump on the health and fitness wagon once and for all, only to fall off after a night or two of indulgence, call the whole thing off, and begin the cycle again the following week? If so, you aren’t alone. The good news is that a few simple Read more…

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There’s a lot of information about what a healthy diet looks like. We can agree there’s no shortage of advice on this topic, and it can easily become overwhelming and confusing! But first and foremost, it’s important to know that maintaining a healthy diet does not imply depriving yourself of the foods you love or reducing the Read more…

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exercising during pregnancy

Did you know there are potential long-term benefits for your baby when you exercise during pregnancy? In fact, it’s actually recommended that pregnant women get in 150 minutes of moderate activity each week. So, this means 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. This, of course, is only after you’ve been cleared to exercise Read more…

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